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Palm Sunday Waitlist

Thank you

John 12:13:

“..they took palm branches and went out to meet him, and cried out:

“Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the king of Israel.”

Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem. As he rode into the city on a donkey, his followers spread palm branches at his feet and called him “Hosanna” or “savior.” Palm branches were considered symbols of victory and triumph at the time.

As we prepare for Holy Week, our priests and some lay people would like to bring Palm Sunday to your home.  You must live in the neighborhoods pictured (see map ).   One of our priests and lay people will stop by and offer some blessed palms, a prayer and a possible song for you and your family.

There are some stipulations for the event..

  • This will take place from 1pm to 530pm on March 24, 2024
  • Space is limited and will be a first come first serve basis
  • We will notify you of your time one week in advance
  • NO time requests will be accepted; there are NO exceptions to this rule
  • When the priests and lay people arrive please do NOT offer any food or drink and do NOT request for them to come into your house.  The group has to go to multiple homes before the end of the day and we need to make sure all of the homes are completed by 6pm

Click on the map to make it larger…